BS5837 Tree survey

A Bs5837 tree survey should be the first step when developing a new site.

The Bs5837 survey establishes the existing tree constraints on a site and generates crucial information for the design team.

First, the tree survey establishes the health and condition of the tree. Very often trees in poor health can be removed without concern, increasing the developable area available without infringement on the trees.

A tree constraints plan is followed by an impact assessment arboricultural method statement. This document describes the likely impact the proposed development will have on the retained tree population. The report sets out methodologies to prevent damage based on the information gathered.

Bringing an experienced and qualified Arboriculturalist in at an early stage can head off any tree related problems. This will keep planning satisfied that the developer has considered the trees and their protection before all else.

If there are trees on a site, planning service will always ask for a tree survey.